New Song: “100 Ways to Paradise”
Singer/Songwriter Christoph CALiM’s new song „100 Ways to Paradise“ is a powerful wish list to humanity to turn our world into the paradise it has always been. By a conscious guidance of mind, heart & intuition as a dream-team everything is possible. By the power of music & lyrics Calim builds a peaceful bridge between all worlds, nations and human beings to push our ego-driven society into a heart-guided community. That‘s one way to paradise and to a world where everyone feels seen, heard and loved.
New Song: “Follow the Flow”
Singer/Songwriter Christoph CALiM wrote the song “Follow The Flow” at a very emotional time in his life – full of endings and new beginnings, of an uncertain future and an intense past. “Follow the Flow” tells us to try to go into the silence to strengthen our trust and create our world from the inside into the outside by the guidance of our heart and higher consciousness.
The world is undergoing an all-encompassing and profound change. On his album “The Chance of Change” Singer/Songwriter Christoph CALiM captures human strengths & weaknesses, opportunities, threats & risks, desires & fears, “ups & downs” of people’s feelings and gives them a unique touch with his soulful music: 12 deeply moving and touching songs about system & change, about pain & suffering, about war & destruction, about human failure & social abysses, but just as strong and very clear about hope, trust, freedom, compassion, healing, strength and love – as well about the great chance of this big change in the world. “The Chance of Change” is an acoustic album that takes the listener into the pure, authentic and heart-touching song world of Christoph CALiM.
Die Welt befindet sich in einem allumfassenden und tiefgreifenden Wandel. Singer/Songwriter Christoph CALiM fängt auf seinem Album „The Chance of Change“ menschliche Stärken & Schwächen, Chancen & Risiken, Wünsche & Ängste, „Aufs & Abs“ der Gefühle der Menschen ein und verleiht diesen mit seiner beseelten Musik eine einzigartige Note: 12 tief rührende und berührende Songs erklingen hier über System & Wandel, über Schmerz & Leid, über Krieg & Zerstörung, über menschliches Versagen & gesellschaftliche Abgründe, aber ebenso stark und ganz klar über Hoffnung, Vertrauen, Freiheit, Mitgefühl, Heilung, Kraft und Liebe sowie über die große Chance, die in dieser allumfassenden Veränderung der Welt für uns Menschen bereit liegt. „The Chance of Change“ ist ein Akustik-Album, das die Hörerinnen und Hörer in die pure, authentische und herzberührende Song-Welt von Christoph CALiM führt.